My husband and I were on a car trip today. It was a long one. Today we traveled through seven states. Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas.
The sky was gray and foggy with snow. The whole world looked like it was in black and white.
The wind was blowing up the snow and visibility was terrible. At times all we could see was white everywhere. We couldn’t tell where the road ended and began.
Other times, we could see alright and the roads were slippery. But we just kept driving through the black and white world.
It was kind of depressing. And it made my eyes hurt. But we just kept driving.
I’m glad my husband was driving. I took pictures out the window when I could see and counted vehicles in the ditch. I hated it when all we could see was white swirling snow. I thought about crying, but I didn’t. The trip was supposed to take about nine hours but ended up taking almost fifteen hours. We were actually the lucky ones.
We saw over fifty vehicles in the ditches, quite a number of those appeared to have rolled. We saw plenty of squad cars but no ambulances , hopefully injuries were few. Along with all the cars and pickups, we saw five semis and one ambulance in ditches.
I said a prayer for safe travels when we left home.
And a prayer of thanks when we arrived .
I hope that the weather and road conditions are better when you return.
Nice pics!
Merry Mary..I figured you were it is apparent you are safe..I love your photos even if they are black and white! I love taking photos out the window too..!! Hopefully you will be out of the yucky bad roads is cold I am sure where ever you are it is warmer! :)
Glad you guys made it there and back in one piece!!
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