Lest my two previous posts led you to believe it was all fun and games in St Louis, this post will set you straight.
While in St Louis, my husband and I attended school.
Beer School.
Tuition was a reasonable ten dollars apiece for the one hour Anheuser Busch Beer School.
We learned how the Brew Masters smell and taste beer, we saw the ingredients used in making beer, we learned how to pour beer and how to tell when your beer glass isn’t clean. We learned about taste and smell and what type of glasses work best for ales and lagers, and how much foam should be at the top of the glass.
It was a grueling hour of sampling beers.
We both graduated with flying colors!
Educated and happy, we moved on to a tour of the facility.
Our first stop was one of three historic landmark buildings on the Anheuser-Busch property. The building has gorgeous stained glass windows. The Budweiser Clydesdales are stabled in this building. The stable is incredibly clean. Seriously clean. Probably as clean as my kitchen. And it has a much nicer chandelier.
A couple of the Budweiser Dalmatians tucked themselves into the straw behind the horses. It was so adorable! Sorry about the horses butt picture, I just loved the dogs laying at the end of the stalls.
We moved on to other beautiful buildings to see where the beer is made, beech wood aged, and packaged.
Huge chandeliers hung down from the center of the building from glass windows in the roof.
At the end of this free tour, we rode a trolley to the hospitality room where we were each given two free beers of our choice.
This tour was so much fun. I’d do it once a week if I lived in St Louis.
I just wandered over here from April's blog. Sounds like you are having fun in St. Louis! I hate beer, but I love the clydesdales! And dogs...And yours IS cute!
Could you be my tutor one day soon so I may learn some of you incredible beer knowledge?
Very cool Mary!
Merry Mary, Which beer was the best..maybe you will have to go back to decide! The horses are incredible and the Stables..wow..I liked the dogs too!! Great Vacation you are having.. we had sunshine and about 20 degrees today..Yipee a Warm Spell:)
So do you have a batch of beer started I would love to come on over and try it some time....maybe for a girls weekend in March.
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