Between Christmas and New Years, a few of my nieces spent time at my house. I don’t know why they thought it might be fun, I don’t lead a terribly exciting life, especially for teenage girls. I had to work so they’d be stuck in the house most of the day and greeting a very tired, and possibly crabby aunt at the end of the day. They wanted to come anyway.
There are a few bonuses to staying at my house. a Wii, a hot tub, good snacks, no housework or chores, no brothers, and a mall in my town.
One night we had McDonalds for supper and they told me they liked my cooking.

I have eleven nieces but only four of them stayed at my house.
I shudder to think how I could possibly entertain eleven nieces.

Two of the nieces came a day early because I did not have room in my car for everyone.
Literally, within minutes of arriving at my house, I had them shoveling snow off the deck. I told them they could go in the hot tub if the deck was cleared of the snow.

The older two arrived after all the work had been done.
Smart girls.
Goofy, but smart
They must get that from my sisters, the goofy part.
I’m sure they get the smart from me.
They loved the hot tub. The air temperature was cold! They didn’t care. The water was warm.
I love this picture. Can you see my niece? The cold air and hot water created a thick mist around her. Ironically, her name is Misty.
Misty Joy, her name fits her perfectly.
My daughter joined her young cousins in jumping off the deck into the piles of snow. I love it that these cousins all got to spend time together. I spent lots of hours with my cousins growing up and have the best memories from those times. Well, most of them are good. We were so close, we actually got in hair pulling fights but I’ll leave those stories for another day.
My sisters did a good job with these girls. They all have excellent manners and used “thank you” often. Plus they are funny and smart and totally cute.
I hope when they grow up they’ll have good memories of their days spent at my house.