Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Problem with the Lemon Bars

Jay tells me it’s entertaining being married to me;  it very well may be.  I’m not so sure.   I just assume goofy conversations and the things that lead up to them happen in every relationship.  


A couple weeks ago Jay and I had the following conversation which he documented on Facebook:

Jay: Yay! Lemon bars!
Mary: Do you have fishing line in yours?
Jay: Am I SUPPOSED to have fishing line in my lemon bar?
Mary: Never mind.
Jay: No, seriously, why would you ask me that? Is there fishing line in YOUR lemon bar?
Mary: I don't want to talk about it...

There did end up being quite a few pieces of fishing line in the lemon bars.  I threw them out. 


Missy said...

Ok so why was there fishing line in your lemon bars I never make them is there supposed to be fishing line in there? LOL

Missy said...

Ok so why was there fishing line in your lemon bars I never make them is there supposed to be fishing line in there? LOL

Far Side of Fifty said...

Must be a new recipe:)