On Monday night, she got another visit.
She sent me an email with her story:
It was about about 10:30 pm, I was reading in bed and I heard a noise, as if something was outside, maybe on the deck. I got up and saw nothing from the living room window or door window, so I turned on the deck light, and walked into the kitchen. There face to face with a window between us, stood a black bear moving his head back and forth, as if he was looking for a way in. I grabbed the phone and called 911 and was told "We'll send out a conservation officer." Great, it's only 30 miles to get here! Meanwhile, the bear walked around to the kitchen door, looking in, but not pushing on the door. I dialed my brother, not too calmly, maybe almost in tears, "I have bear at my kitchen door!!!!" The bear took off to the car and then to the pickup, looking into the pickup box, standing on 2 feet; he can reach the top of the cab with his nose. He must have seen me in the window, as he sniffed the air and started walking to the kitchen door again. Instead, he turned and went on deck and then wandered on to the front lawn, just watching the house. A car drove up, and the bear finally took off.
I have his paw print on my upper kitchen window and I have a paw and nose print on my living room screen door!

These pictures were taken of the smudges left on the windows from the bear.
My mom also posted on her Facebook page about the bear - here is what she posted (emphasis mine) :
"The bear and I were face to face between the kitchen window last night and he's not scared off, he was around at least 15 minutes putting his paw print on my clean window. "
Honestly, her bear print windows are cleaner than the puppy nose windows at my house.
Poor Mom, she now has a loaded gun ready, as the game warden told her she could shoot it if it broke into her house! I'm pretty sure that a woman who cares that her windows were clean before the bear came around, isn't going to want this bear in her kitchen. Can you imagine the mess he would create?
Thank you mary. Dennis is coming out to night again he called. I hope we see it.Mom
I think I am going to call her the bear lady! She was quite frightened..but she did giggle a little as she told the story. Uffda, he better not get in her kitchen..and he better keep his paws off her CLEAN windows too..I hope it does not become a nuisence bear:)
This is crazy hopefully the neighbor got it taken care of now!!! Sounds like this bear needs to go to bed for the winter soon!!
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