Sunday, January 4, 2009


I've put off writing about my New Year's resolutions as I have some mixed feelings about making resolutions. It seems like every year people make the same resolutions over and over. I found a list of the top ten most common resolutions.

1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends
Fit in Fitness
Tame the Bulge
Quit Smoking
Enjoy Life More
Quit Drinking
Get Out of Debt
Learn Something New
Help Others
Get Organized

Of this list, about half of them are ones that I don't feel a burning desire to do or a need to change. It feels good to have success before I've even started!

I won't resolve to spend more time with family and friends (#1); which isn't to say that life and work don't get in the way of my time with family and friends but I am usually pretty comfortable with my work/life balance. I also enjoy my life a lot(#5). I won't resolve to quit smoking (#4), since I don't or to quit drinking(#6), since I drink very moderately. I don't have to resolve to learn something new (#8) because as a naturally curious person, I'm continually learning and trying new things. Finally, and I don't want this to sound bad, I'm not resolving to "help others." (#9). I now do what I can and I'm not heaping guilt on myself for not doing more.

So, that leaves some things on the list that I would like to improve in 2009. My resolutions encompass some of the remaining items on the top ten list but are much more specific. I am writing them out as goals and also writing out the small steps I need to take to accomplish them.

I don't believe that resolutions are something you make, break, and give up on. My resolutions are ongoing goals for the year and even if I don't complete them perfectly, working toward them will put my in a better place personally, financially, spiritually, socially and careerwise.

One day at a time. I will make a change. If I fail, I will make the same change again tomorrow.

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