Every July Fourth weekend, my brothers and sisters and their families gather together for a camping weekend. We’ve been doing it for many, many years. Not everyone can make it every year but whoever can, does.
My mom lives close to where we camp so she spends days at the campsite but sleeps in her own bed at night. I believe when my dad was alive my mom and dad spent some nights at the campsite too.
Many memories have been made at the campsite. Family friends have sometimes joined us. Some of the kids who were small when we first started these camping weekends are adults now.
I pulled out some photos from our 2000 camping trip and am going to use the next few posts to write about our camping trips.
The camping trips photos show some interesting family dynamics.
This was the group of kids from the camping trip in 2000. Six of them are now adults. It’s crazy how fast time flies. Those two sweet little baby boys… well I’ve got some pictures later this week.